Therapy for Women

And yet another day passes you by…

It feels like the movie “Groundhog Day” where a weatherman, Phil, wakes up every single day at the same time and the same place. He does new little things to amuse himself as he goes through that single daily routine; but, ultimately, he’s destined to live the same day over and over again.

It’s a hilarious movie, but not so funny when it’s your own life. Every day seems to have the same ending. No matter what you do, no matter what you try, you’re stuck in the same place.

The Mirror

Ahh… a love/hate relationship for every age. Sometimes I can pass it by without stopping to judge, but there’s always something that pops out screaming for attention. Can’t I just have the legs/shoulders/metabolism that so-and-so has? Can’t I just take a pill and fix this?!

Then there are the eyes in the mirror. When you look in the mirror, you don’t see the person you want to see. The eyes ask, “What’s wrong with me?” The eyes wonder, “Why don’t I have the grades/fulfilling job/husband/happy life I dreamed of?”


A sea of opportunity to be dissatisfied awaits women in today’s world. At home, I feel as though I should be at work. At work, I feel as though I should be at home. When I’m out having “me time,” I feel as though I should be doing something productive.


What is my purpose? Am I a leader, a mom, a Proverbs 31 wife… an independent free spirit? Can those co-exist? Can I ever find joy looking in the mirror? Can I break away from the destination my family has laid for me and find my path?


I was a kid once, so surely, I should know how to handle kids! Between my husband’s approach, my mom’s opinion on my approach, and trying to figure out what my approach IS… how do I know if I am doing this right?! Are my kids destined for therapy?


Connecting should be so much easier these days. We certainly have the tools for it. But these tools seem to highlight all the WRONG people. There are just so many questions in dating:

Am I a strong independent woman or am I an attached-at-the-hip kind of girl?

Why do I keep landing the same kind of guy that never goes anywhere?

When do I introduce the kids?

Women often feel they have to wear ALL hats at the same time.

In today’s culture, women often feel they are expected to make a decent living, make the meals everyone will love, stay on top of the kids’ schooling, enrich the children with lessons and sports, chauffeur the children to those lessons/sports, present a Pinterest-worthy house, keep the husband satisfied… and be your skinniest/healthiest self – all with a smile on your face.

And if we can’t handle it, no one else will do the job!

When we’re overloaded, it’s hard to look for help. It seems “everyone else” has it all together, so we don’t want to appear weak and talk to any of those women!

How can we burden someone else with our problems when they carry so much of their own?

If you’re feeling overburdened… that’s where I come in.

Therapy is a guided tour into yourself…

Talking in therapy isn’t the same as talking with your friends or your family. In therapy, you can be completely open without fear of judgment. You won’t have to justify your feelings or hide your true struggles.

In therapy, questions have meaning and purpose. Talking with purpose helps you process the fear, the pain, the worries, and the sadness, which allows your brain to store the information in a different place without the intensity!

It’s a place to be safe, to rest, to come away more fulfilled than before.

Therapy is one place I can guarantee that you will not be judged. There is no right or wrong answer, there are no expectations you need to fulfill, there is no guilt or shame. My clients find that having the space and freedom to be themselves and share their hearts safely allows them to shed the weight of many of the burdens they’ve been carrying.

It’s a place to discover, or even re-discover, your own strengths.

As women, we tend to be extremely hard on ourselves… we have plenty of grace for others but not much for ourselves. In therapy, I give you the space to talk about you. What you want, what you need, what you hope for. I help you identify and tap into the things you already have and strengthen them for your journey. I help you have confidence to take hold of the things that are important to you.

It’s a place to learn new skills and new perspectives.

We are a product of our environment, so how we act/react/think is often so engrained we are simply unaware. Those things that make us who we are worked for us in the past, but as we grow those thoughts and behaviors need to change with us. That’s hard to do without awareness! I help bring those processes to the surface, so they can be evaluated and strengthened or discarded as ineffective.

It’s a place to gain new perspective, new insight, new understanding, and new tools…

… all of which you can use long after you have left my office for life’s future challenges. We are so busy day to day; we don’t take the time to stop and look inward or look backward. Yet without awareness, we often don’t know what works and what doesn’t.

In therapy, I get to know my clients and what makes them who they are today. We often discover places they hold on to things from their youth (thought patterns, expectations, coping mechanisms) that are no longer working for them.

By helping clients discover who they are, we gain insight into the areas that need adjusting. In listening with compassion and curiosity, I find places where new perspectives lead my clients to new understanding. These insights help you either alter your approach or alter your course. By truly understanding and making your next steps intentional and informed, my client’s experience lasting change. I will provide any needed tools for this journey and be your biggest cheerleader all along the way!

You realize something must change – that’s why you’re here…

… because staying where you are now is no longer an option. You need a place to be yourself, feel validated, and come away stronger to take on another day.

Remember Phil from “Groundhog Day?” Eventually (after many years!) he figures out what he needs to do to stop living that same day on repeat, and he finds true happiness.

So…there is HOPE! You don’t have to spend the next 30 years on repeat, because you have what Phil didn’t: a caring advisor, a neutral outside party, a guide who knows how to help work out what’s getting in the way – someone who can teach you the skills you need to discover and overcome your barriers to happiness.

It’s time you had someone on your side to help you examine where you are, what’s in the way, and how to get around it (or maybe even through it). It’s time you made time for you.

Take the next step in moving forward. I can help you dislodge that “repeat button” and discover the happiness and satisfaction you’ve been longing for. Call me today: (904) 469-0060